We’re making documentation & APIs
better for everybody.

ReadMe gives teams the tools they need to create and manage beautiful documentation with ease, monitor their APIs, and connect with their users in more personal ways.

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Drawing of the ReadMe team

We're a small team of humans (and one owl) working together to do big things.

Gregory Koberger

Founder, CEO • He/Him

Greg hails from the lovely town of Schaghticoke in upstate New York. After attending RIT he made the move to San Francisco where he’s worked for Mozilla, and freelanced for a bunch of startups.

He founded ReadMe after building docs sites for most of them. You can find him drinking coffee or obsessively competing for Swarm mayorships.


Marc Cuva

Product • He/Him

Marc grew up in the frozen tundra of northern Minnesota. Immediately after visiting SF he was already won over by warmer winter temperatures.

Most of the time he can be found yelling at one of his cats to get out of the way of the TV.


Dom Harrington

Engineering Manager • He/Him

Dom joins the ReadMe team from London. He enjoys cycling, cooking, and hiking, so we think San Francisco will agree with him. He’s already taught us the word “velodrome” and may soon convert us from IPA to Guinness drinkers.

Wish him luck getting used to a city that is slightly less cold and rainy!


Mary Hoffbeck

People Operations • She/Her

Mary moved to SF from Ithaca, NY and is the second ReadMe employee from Minnesota.

She likes listening to records, long bus rides in foreign countries, and reading books (especially on long bus rides). She recommends Lost City of Z in Ecuador.


Dave Reed

Sales • He/Him

Dave joins ReadMe remotely from Columbus. When he is working from home, he gets help from his two bulldogs.

As an Ohio native, he’s a huge Buckeye football fan. And loves to travel all over the world when it’s not football season.


Sean Dokko

Lead Engineer • He/Him

Sean joins ReadMe remotely from Seattle, Washington! He’s a part of our engineering team, and likes to think about user experience and product development as well.

Sean likes motorcycling, photography, and bouldering—all of which go well with the scenic PNW! He is currently an avid reader of sci-fi novels—his favorite so far is ‘Ready Player One’.


Amy Shi

Support • She/Her

Amy joins the ReadMe team in our San Francisco office! She moved to the Bay Area from Charlottesville, Virginia. She grew up playing the violin and, although she took a hiatus in college, hopes to pick it up again soon.

During her free time, she enjoys baking and painting (primarily watercolor and acrylic) and spending time with her two cats. She also loves to read—her current favorite book is Circe.


Ehsan Mafi

Knowledge Engineer

Ehsan is originally from Albany (Owlbany), NY and has lived in a few big cities, but loves the Bay the most—he’s been here for five years now. He recently rode down the Pacific Coast Highway from SF to LA on his motorcycle—a bucket list item!

He has MC’ed every one of his friends’ weddings, and is a big fan of theater—he’d rather see a play than a movie.


Kanad Gupta

Engineer • he/him

Joining us remotely from Minneapolis, Kanad forms the newly-minted Minnesota branch of the ReadMe team! We love Minnesota.

Kanad just bought a bike and is loving riding around Minneapolis, but he’s less enthused by the whole peddling aspect of it. While biking around MPLS, Kanad is probably listening to Janelle Monáe—his Spotify artist of the decade.


Kirby Carpenito

Account Executive

Kirby was born and raised in Boston, but she’s lived in Columbus, Ohio since 2011 (the accent comes out if you get a rise out of her… or after a few glasses of wine).

She has an adorable rescue cat named Peewee that chases her around, and without a doubt always has to unplug the phone charger out of the wall.

Shea McCaulla

Account Executive

Shea recently moved back home to Columbus, Ohio after living in Austin, Texas for the past few years.

You can find him out walking his 90lb doggo, cheering on his alma mater Buckeyes or rooting for his favorite sports teams up in Cleveland. After work, he enjoys trying out new pizza joints and visiting local art exhibits.


Ryan Openshaw

Customer Success Manager • He/Him

Ryan comes from Sandy, UT and is enjoying getting out of the snow covered mountains for a little while. He is excited to bring an amazing Customer Success experience to the Readme customers.

He enjoys being active and playing just about any sport as well as hiking, camping and spending time walking his dog, Walter. He even taught himself to juggle recently so you might find him throwing things around and trying to catch them.


Gabe Ratcliff

Engineer • He/Him

Gabe joins us from just across the bay, heralding from Oakland, California. He’s lived in The Bay for most of his life, but lived in Portland, OR and London, UK for some time as well.

Gabe likes brewing beer and talking intently about cars. Most of the time you can find him eating, drinking or fantasizing about dog parenthood.

Jon Ursenbach

Engineer • He/Him

Jon is a California native who spent a short tour in Brooklyn before returning to the #bestcoast.

He loves watching genre films, bad puns, hockey, and has an elderly pug who he won’t stop talking about.


Darren Yong

Support • He/Him

Darren is a Bay Area native that probably spends way too much time on his computer playing video games or learning about new technologies.

When he’s not in front of a computer, you can find him hiking with his stubborn and dramatic Shibe, exploring new areas to take pictures of, and working on his car!


Rafe Goldberg

Engineering Manager • He/Him

Rafe is a self-taught visual designer and engineer, and an avowed morning person. When he isn’t pushing pixels, you can find him at the most convenient Starbucks location, reposting New York Times articles on the Facebook.

Rafe vehemently denies harboring any brand loyalties or deep-seated fears of his own complacency in the face of late capitalism.


Benak Vrishabhendra

Sales Development Rep • He/Him

Benak has lived in Ohio almost all his life and just graduated from THE Ohio State University. He’s excited to join the ReadMe team as his first job out of college.

He is a huge sports fan and loves his Bengals, Reds, Manchester United and most importantly The Buckeyes. He has been to 16 different countries on 4 different continents and hopes to add to that soon. When he gets free time you can find him watching random TV shows on Netflix.


Jesse Yowell


Jesse grew up in Fairfax, VA and moved to SF about 10 years ago. He’s a kickboxing instructor at Hwa Rang Kwan, but he’s been learning since he moved here!

He loves old horror / thriller films (one of his favorites is Videodrome), red wine, and making pixel art. He also enjoys cooking for his wife and kid, and playing with his toddler son.

Shinae Lee

Office Manager • She/Her

Shinae’s a recent graduate of UC Santa Cruz, grew up on the East Bay and the Big Island of Hawai’i. She’s excited to make sure the ReadMe team in SF stays fed and happy!

In her free time, you can find her doodling in her bullet journal, watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine, or traveling! Japan, Korea, and Disneyland are high on her bucket list.


Tony Li

Design • He/Him

Tony grew up in San Francisco’s sunny Excelsior neighborhood and has trouble writing in third person.

He used to collect *holographic* MUNI passes, but now just collects plants. Other interests include wearing all black, Marie Kondo-ing, and his dog. 🐶

Pat Pow-anpongkul

Business Operations • He/Him

Pat is back in the Bay Area after spending a brief stint in his home state of Georgia. He is most excited about ReadMe’s commitment to intense bouts of Codenames.

Pat is a big fan of musical theatre and improv comedy, having performed in college and semi-professionally in Atlanta. An avid golfer, you can often find him at the golf course searching for lost tee shots in the woods.

Emily Kuo

Enterprise Engineer • She/Her

Emily joins ReadMe as a recent graduate of Hackbright Academy. In a previous life, she was an account manager in pharmaceutical advertising.

In her free time, Emily enjoys climbing, car camping, cooking and baking.


Nataliya Petriv

Sales Development Rep

Nataliya was born in Ukraine and moved to Cleveland when she was 9 years old. She just graduated from Ohio University and is excited to start her career in sales at ReadMe.

Nataliya’s traveled a lot during college. She’s lived in Romania and Barcelona, and traveled all around Europe. She enjoys a busy lifestyle, but after a long day likes to paint, do yoga, or cook.


Lamberto Asghedom


Lamberto joins our Support team as a Support Engineer! He was born and raised in San Francisco, and learned Sign Language before he learned English.

In his free time, he likes to set up bridge traps in Mario Kart.

Chiara Clough

Support • She/Her

Chiara was born and raised in New York City. Prior to joining the tech world, she worked in restaurant management and loves exploring anything food/dining related in her free time.

Chiara once competed in horse eventing (once rated the deadliest sport by ESPN) and founded the Star Wars club in high school which is still going strong. 💪 She is also a proud cat mom to an 18 year old Russian blue named Johnny.

Dmitry Pimenov

Product Engineer • He/Him

Dmitry grew up in Seattle where he developed a fondness for overcast skies and drizzling rain. Nowadays, he settles for the Bay Area's morning fog.

On weekends, Dmitry enjoys hacking on side projects, going on neighborhood walks and perfecting the grilled cheese sandwich.


Naomi Day

Engineer, With Flair • She/Her

Naomi is originally from Massachusetts. She's spent enough time to make it significant in Seattle, London, and Atlanta. Before ReadMe, she built websites with a social good angle.

In her free time, you’ll find her reading Afro-centric science fiction and fantasy, and writing much of the same. She loves to explore cities by foot, spend time in nature, and learn the science behind ordinary things.

Bill Himmelsbach

Engineer • He/Him, They/Them

Bill is a giant nerd who grew up in “Missour-ah” before escaping to Cleveland then Oakland, where he now eats all the vegan foods possible. He used to bash his head against the broken educational system in America, but now prefers just Bash.

Bill has been known to dance like no one is watching, and bike while hoping no one is watching. His interests include: queer horror films, queer cartoons, queer books... 🦄 !


Kelly Joseph Price

Engineer • He/Him

Kelly has lived in the SF Bay Area his whole life (Fremont, Santa Cruz, Sunnyvale, San Jose, SF). Before software, he did a stint as a barista and then coffee roaster.

He's the parent of two girls and three cats. He can usually be found hauling his kids on a cargo bike or sitting on his couch wishing he was outside.

Laura Luuho

Customer Success Manager • She/Her

Laura currently resides in the Brooklyn borough of New York City but grew up in Pennsylvania. Despite being an East Coast girl, her ideal daily temperature would be 80 degrees and sunny ☀️

Things that make her happy include: extra spicy foods, eating gelato everyday, moon-gazing, deep house music, and possum memes.


Chief Whimsy Officer

Owlbert comes from the capital of New York, Owlbany. He made the long flight to Silicon Valley when his parliament passed a law outlawing internet use by owls.

He’s now happily settled among the other owls of the internet and spends his days jumping between ReadMe pages.
